Overcoming Depression...

There are two kinds of depression: endogenous and exogenous.

Endogenous when a person is suffering from bodily imbalances, for example hormonal disruptions, effects of operations or illness, and is the result of disease.

Exogenous is also known as reactive depression and the result of the way in which someone is unable to process life events. Changing our belief systems is at the core of all changes in our lives, we will impart the tools you need to make your life more fulfilling.

Both of these two types of depression are treatable using hypnotherapy and NLP techniques with a very high rate of successful.

Do you want to take those steps to taking back control of your life and destiny; you deserve to make that phone call today, don’t you!

If you want further information about hypnotherapy for Overcoming Depression, or to make an appointment:

Phone: 0418 487 510

Email: mail@ezhealth.com.au

© 2006 - 2024 EzHealth Hypnotherapy | ABN: 19 203 317 286
© 2006 - 2024 EzHealth Hypnotherapy
ABN: 19 203 317 286